Monday, July 23, 2007

A New First

Hannah made her first attempt at drawing a guy
a few weeks ago--just before she turned 4.
Here it is in all it's glory.

They are exactly what you think they are.


NoOtherName said...

The boys were just teasing Brian this morning for his "furry" armpits.

Check out my blog--lots of new stuff.

Love Ya!

kristi noser said...

Really looks like something Tim Burton would do, doesn't it?

theswamphare said...

That's so odd; just yesterday Anna was talking about how "it's Hairy, like under Bapa's arms...". I said like this?" and pulled up a sleeve. She said "No, hairier than that, really hairy."

It's not just that that my daughter is not in awe of the Hair Quotient (HQ) of her daddy's armpits; it's that she drew a picture likening hairiness, as a trait, to her grandpa instead.