Friday, June 1, 2007


Bedtime prayers tonight--as best I could get it all down immediately after tucking them in.

Hannah first--abridged version (meaning that while the following is pretty much word for word, many of the following statements were originally repeated numerous times in an effort to defer bedtime a bit more--I have removed at least ten minutes worth of repetetion):
  • "Thank you Lord," [pronounced throughout as low-ud] "for these curtains with the flowers.
  • Thank you Lord for Claire who loves me!
  • Thank you Lord for my beautiful Mama and for her beautiful outfit [sweat-shorts, t-shirt and frizzy ponytail].
  • Thank you Lord for these marks on my wall.
  • Thank you Lord for these hands and these bones that I love.
  • Thank you Lord for Kujo [her big sister's Chihuahua] that when he bites me or drops his bones on my foot, that Sissy just spanks him.
  • Thank you Lord for my beautiful feet and toenails and for my beautiful eyes and eyebrows.
  • Thank you Lord for these pillows and this mess.
  • Thank you Lord for Daddy's tools.
  • Thank you Lord for everything in this room.
  • Thank you Lord for these marks on the wall--again. . .whatever they are.
  • Thank you Lord for everything you made. . .people. . .and friends. . . . . . . and more people. . .and friends.
  • And that's it.
  • Thank you Lord for a wonderful God. . .for our hearts.
  • Thank you Lord for me. . .and you. Amen!"
The moment she said Amen, she looked at me suddenly and said, "Hey! God can't have ears!"

Grace next:

First breath--"Thank you for Jesus, that He loves us and He's so good to us and He died on the cross for our sins. You love us and give us hearts and make us little again and I know you love us and I know that I love you and you will come and get us some day soon and He's awesome and He's great!"

Breathe again--"Thank you Lord that you love us so much and He'll come back again for us some day and I'll be with Jesus and He'll be with me and see me in heaven with Grandpa and all the people, and help us that we sleep good and wake up happy. . . . Amen."

Huge smile, curls up, sucks her thumb and snuggles in for sleep.

Mama last:

Thank you Lord for my precious girls. For stinky blankies, dirty faces and misshapen thumbs. For what you are doing in their little hearts and the thankfulness that you are working into them. Watch over them as they sleep and keep them in your care. Protect them from all harm and keep them on your path as you prepare them for your purpose for their lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Amen. Amen. Amen

1 comment:

NoOtherName said...

Oh, Dee--
What an awesome post--I'm sitting here laughing out loud at Hannah's prayer and touched by Gracie's and your precious prayers.

My favorite DeeBert post of all time! I love your girls!